Skincare that is All-Natural

The History of Skincare

Skincare is not just something that cropped up in the last fifty years, let’s go back a LOT further. Believe it or not, we have evidence of versions of skincare products dating back 6,000 years! Oh my, that was a long time ago.

I don’t know about you, but when I watch a movie, say, back in Medieval Times, I wonder how bad they must have smelled without modern deodorant. With that said, I am going to give a very brief history of cosmetics for the past 6,000 years.

Skincare in Ancient Egypt and Greece


It’s hard to believe skincare was even a thought that long ago, but not really if you seriously think about it. In both cases, they had to protect themselves from the elements. Those would include the sun, climate, insects, and any number of other things. You know, they couldn’t just run to Walmart and pick up a can of Off for those pesky mosquitos, right?

That was a primitive time when skincare products had to be all-natural. As mentioned, there was not a Walmart, so everything had to be hand-made. The Egyptians used various precious oils to fight wrinkles much like women today. Also, they combined milk and honey for their facial beauty mask to reduce wrinkles.

Later Greece would expound on what Egypt first started. They added perfumes, paints, hair dyes, and many other all-natural products to their cosmetic lineup. See, skincare dates very far back. Interestingly, they combined fresh berries with milk to make some of the first facial paints and makeup. In addition, they used olive oil as moisturizers and exfoliants, then mixed honey, milk, and yogurt for anti-aging cream.

The Best Skincare Today!

Skincare today is bombarded with an array of products that are manufactured, not all-natural. It’s past time to get back to basics that have worked for over 6,000 years! So tell me, what do you expect your skin cream to do? Remove wrinkles, reduce scaring after surgery, rejuvenate the skin and color of a tattoo? Well my friends, you have come to the right place.

This skin replenishing cream was designed as a true healing cream for all skin types. From Eczema, Rosacea, Cosmetic Surgery, Tattoos, Permanent Makeup, you name it, this is for you. No matter the condition, if the skin is involved, this will make it better.

Key Points about this Incredible Skin Cream:

  • This Incredible Cream is Manufactured in the US – In fact, the founders, Alma & Amber are proud to have this be a truly all-American Produced product.
  • It is Crafted by “Top Expert and Professional” Estheticians: Thus, created for the relief and healing of severe skin changes from Operations, Surgeries, as well as Skin Conditions, and all Skin Types!
  • Medical Grade: With over 4 years of use in the professional medical field, we now have access to it directly to our homes. This is something everyone can now benefit from. For all skin types and skin conditions. This is the healing balm you want to have around and use daily.
  • 100% All-Natural Ingredients: The list of ingredients are simple, clean ingredients that by themselves promote healing. This blend combines them all together for the best results!
  • Absolutely No Toxins: This incredible healing cream does not contain any bad parabens, harsh chemical additives, dyes, or any other “Additives”. (Sadly, this is not the case with almost anything you find in Walmart).
  • No Animal Laboratory Testing: Absolutely no Animal Testing at all. On top of that, nothing in this incredible healing balm is in question for the safety of the users. This is a truly incredible product to enhance the health of our skin.

In Conclusion:

From wrinkles to tattoos to scar tissue, this is the most incredible skin cream on the market. Made in the U.S. is something you don’t regularly find these days, much less all-natural. Considering it’s not very expensive, don’t hesitate to try this incredible skin cream.

With that said, 6,000 years ago all skin creams were all-natural. Do you still want to continue using a manufactured one with artificial ingredients? Consider this, how healthy are those artificial ingredients for your body. Personally, I don’t even like to eat pre-packaged meals anymore. I choose to buy fresh ingredients, skip the box, and cook it myself. The range and InstantPot are my best friends! But don’t get me wrong, I do plenty of outdoor grilling when the weather cooperates.

Heal From Within!

This entire blog has been about healing from the outside, now it’s time to heal from the inside. With that thought, how do we heal from the inside? We have also discovered the most incredible collagen product to date. On top of that, it is the simplest to carry with you and take on the go. Let’s introduce you to a Snapp!

In time, the most aggravating thing to men and even women is hair loss. With that in mind, can you picture growing a fuller head of hair? Grow hair, nails, and improve your skin from within with this amazing collagen product you can put in your pocket and take anywhere. With that said, you can actually take it anywhere, anytime. Just click the pick bellow to get yours shipped free today!